Day 23: It’s official…(drum roll please)

I’m a working woman!

On Friday I was offered the SEM(search engine marketing) Specialist position at HVH Consulting company. After careful consideration and talking it over with my family, I chose to accept the position. I thank God for this opportunity and how fast it came along. I started this blog because I thought I wouldn’t get hired anytime soon, but even though I lost faith God was always working for me.

I will be the best!


Day 16: 2nd round interviews

So far my job search has been straining and full of up and downs. Last week I had a second interview for this new company called HVH Consulting. The owner, H. Hardin is very accomplished and had a lot of things to say about his company. I was interviewing for the SEM(Search Engine Marketing) Specialist position, which I recently gained experience in through the Google Online Marketing Challenge. The interview went well and I am waiting on his response .

Earlier this year in April, I interviewed with this company called Sun Communities. I met Kim, an HR representative, at a career fair at USF. She was very nice and explained the company’s management training program. Tomorrow is my second interview with SC and I feel kind of nervous. I pray that it goes well and if I get an offer from both companies (crossing my fingers) I’m asking God to show me the direction in which I should go.

Day 9: Suits!

In honor of my recent discovery that one of favorite shows “Suits” will be back on television June 14th, I had to indulge in one of my guilty pleasures and that is looking at a man in a nice FITTED suit. Matt Bomer, who plays Neil on “White Collar”, has yet to be out done as my favorite  man in a suit.

Here are a few examples:



Tip of the day: To all the guys that read this post…a suit doesn’t have to be expensive to look good. It’s how YOU wear it. Let people see your confidence before they see you.

Day 6: Interview #2

I’m beginning to feel like an actor trying to make it big in the movie industry or a dancer trying to land that big break. I’ve been called back for another interview at a developing company. It seems like a really good opportunity and I’m excited to meet the owner.

Wish me luck!

Day 5: Whose really in control?

“Philosophers come out when the sun goes down.” – Seneque22 

During a recent conversation with a friend I asked “whose really in control?” cause most of the time it seems that its not me. Thinking back on most of my life’s decisions, there has been a force of some kind influencing me. I can relate this to a puppet on strings. Every move is being guided by someone else, but to the naked eye the puppet moves freely.

Ask yourself this question….

Who or what controls you?

Day 4: Another day another dollar…..spent

I love this store!

Today I went shopping at my favorite store “Forever 21” with my sister Rae. I purchased two cute outfits, thanks to my gift cards that I received for graduation. When I wear them I’ll definitely post the pics. Oh how I love to shop, when I have money of course because this girl does not have any credit cards.

CAREER UPDATE: I had a job interview yesterday and I think it went well. Hopefully I will hear back from him soon.

Happy Birthday Martine!

As most of you may know my older sister Martine is currently living in Japan. Today is her birthday (in America) and I wanted to dedicate this blog post to her.  I love and miss you, so please come home soon.

Happy Birthday!

It’s been 2 days!

It’s been two days since graduation and I couldn’t feel more scared, out-of-place, and stressed out over my future. This is just the start of my post graduation blues. I plan to post something each day about my journey in finding a job. This will be my virtual diary for the world to.

 This is the real world and I have to face it!

I have a plan, now it’s up to me to follow through with it.

So let’s take this adventure together!